LRS5000 Long Range Surveillance System
LRS5000 Long Range Surveillance System
The LRS5000 Long Range Surveillance System is a proven multi-role
electro-optical surveillance system that is ideal for:
Border Surveillance
Coastal & Marine Surveillance
Intelligence Gathering
Missile and Test Ranges
Extreme Imaging
The precision Electro-Optics of the LRS5000 coupled with sensitive
camera technology enables the system to detect and identify activities
at extreme distances. The system has a detection range of more than
25km and is able to identify targets at more than 5km. The LRS5000
camera is integrated with a precision built director head allowing
precise location of targets. The LRS5000 system is computer
controlled and fully networkable. A context camera is integrated with
the main camera, allowing the system to move smoothly from initial
detection to high resolution identification. Once on target, positions
can be memorized, allowing them to be easily and accurately returned
to by the director head, using its inbuilt precision positional resolvers.
The LRS5000’s Electro Optical sensor consists of a fully field proven
600 – 4800mm 6 stepped zoom Maksutov Cassegrain lens. The
camera housing incorporates an optically flat front window essential
for long range targeting. The lens and camera assembly is
encapsulated in a rugged housing, combining excellent military
standard EMC qualities with a high level of environmental protection.
The cameras can be factory configured with daytime colour, or low
light monochrome sensors. Alternatively, the LRS5000 can be fitted
with Chelteks unique field proven camera changeover mechanisms,
providing the ultimate solution for all light conditions. Dependent
upon the ultimate application, the LRS5000 can also utilise the latest
high performance mega pixel sensors.
The cameras can be integrated into an existing control room’s
command and control system. Alternatively, Cheltek can provide a
scalable command and control system, able to control any number of
cameras over a local or remote Ethernet network system.